Gynecology >> ParaGard


ParaGard Intrauterine Contraceptive (IUC) is a different kind of birth control. But it's one of the most effective kinds available. It's even more effective than the Pill. But,unlike the Pill (and the patch, ring, and shots), it's hormone-free. So it's great for women who prefer not to use hormones or can't for health reasons.
It's also virtually hassle-free. No more daily or weekly routines, just a simple monthly self-check. So it's great for the busy woman who's got a lot going on.

ParaGard is 99.4% effective. That's just as effective as having your tubes tied - but ParaGard® doesn't require surgery or anesthesia and is fully reversible.

ParaGard is a simple T-shaped piece of soft, flexible plastic wrapped with natural copper. It's designed to fit comfortably in the uterus.

Once it's inserted, it starts working immediately. And keeps working as long as you need it to - whether it's 2 years, 5 years, or even up to 10 years. Plus, ParaGard gives you the flexibility to change your mind. Just have it removed.

So if you want highly effective birth control that's long-term but easily reversible - or birth control that doesn't require you to remember a pill, change a patch, or put in a ring - ask about ParaGard.

See for more information.

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